Oct 21, 2008

test! test! test!

aku terlibat dgn MUET test. fuh.memberangsangkan tak ayat pembuka kata aku tu? huahuahau. penat la dengan test,exam ke ape ke semua ni. dah agak bosan. MUET ade 4paper as u all know la kan? reading,listening,writing and speaking. speaking test ni lebih awal around 2 to 3 weeks daripada test-test yang laen.

while in the waiting room, everybody dress appropriately. as said in the exam slip.tu pun aku tebace dah last-last minute. aku pakai cam smart casual je.time nak grab heels tibe-tibe rase mcm lambat pula.so aku decide utk pakai seliper je.tibe kat waiting room semua org pakai kasut.haha.padan muka aku kan?siap ade yang pakai formal lagi tu.mak aiii.tapi nasib la ade geng.one of my guy frend masuk waiting room lambat.dia salah venue.awek die cakap kat tempat laen.nasib dia cepat sikit.so, dia pakai seliper juga.dia tanya soalan yang aku nak tanya dia gak.kenapa diaorang pakai formal?mungkin boleh dapat extra marks kot.apa-apa pun.nasib baik la aku tak kena bar dari test tu sebab pakai seliper.hehe.tengok! sampai ke situ imiginasi aku.

speaking test susah? kinda. some said that i had an interesting topic to elaborate. oh, didn't i mention that i've taken the speaking test.today. and to me, i was sux. whatever. past is past rite? focus on the other paper from now on (ah.cakap je). so, the topic sounds a lil bit like this 'the greatest transformation in life'. im the candidate c (tu pun nk ckp ke?) and my point is electrical appliances. and hell! im not sure what is the meaning of that word 'appliances'. ahah!luckily we had a chance to ask the invigilator. what a start. my individual test wasn't really good seperti yg aku ade bace dlm buku, individu mmg agak susah daripada group presentation sebab mase group, we get help from others kan?man.. i was left with 20seconds speechless.pointless.mula je ckp excited then suddenly i become so blur.blank.sebab point dah abes ckp.ive tried to add and think of other point but it doesn't come out.haha.

abah told me to improve that flaws.i was gelabah n terburu-buru.i shouldn't.dari dulu abah da cakap.i look too confident when im panic or nervous and my voices will be damn loud and clear.haha.memang nampak macam melampau. and sometimes i look pale sebab nervous.(need make up to cover it huh?).padahal dalam hati dah macam nak gugur jantung ni.that is me.will try my best to improve it better.susah la nak berubah.however, i feel so relieve that i finally overcome the test.whatever the results, i would accept it.aku dah lalui semua tu.so, aku juga la yang kena tanggung akibatnya.wish me luck for the next exam.

1 comment:

garfield'78 said...

Haha!!true,speakin test is da worst to me..
i misunderstood at this time..adeke,nak elaborate everyone nye topic!puhlis!at last,glabah cari point sendri where,i wasted it mase die kc tyme tu make own point...huhu..

but thanks to listening n writing..wee!

gudluck cousin!:)