May 3, 2012

Update of new phase in life

It's always been awhile since i wrote here.well, not so much to share. Apparently, i was just at home jobless and still hunt for a job. I'm expecting so the husband would love if i slower down hunting for jobs at the, now i just wait for government o call me since i have updated my applicaion already and they did. I need to sit for an xm next saturday. Let's just share about this coming weekend that i'm looking forward to. Well, gonna have pizza hut tomorrow (public holiday,harvest day) with husband,begining to hunt for tailor that could sew my baju raya, watched the avengers and on sunday i have my next appointment with doctor for ultrasound! Yeay gonna meet our little angel. Excited! I've already feel the baby kicking,dancing,aerobics n etc. What much can do in Labuan? Sometimes i just love to spend the weekend at husband's office or just lie lazily at home watching movie. Fortunately, now we've discover this one warung that have delicious and almost similar mee bandung like muar's mee bandung. Most of the evening we can be seen there having dinner. ;) This is just an update of my life here in Labuan.

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