Nov 8, 2012

bundle of joy : having zara in me

it was after our honeymoon to Bandung Indonesia and it was right after new year. i felt something strange in my body and my mens hadn't yet come guess it was just a normal change for a normal just married woman so i took some jamu to help the mens to come but not a chance. when arrived Labuan me and husband decided to had a UPT test so we did. fortunately it was a positive sign. try it two times and the result still the same.guess we need to consult a doctor and we did the next day.

doctor had asked me to stop taking the jamu and he scanned the tummy maybe it's still really tiny we cant see any. the doctor wants us to come another week cause my womb is already getting bigger but he cant tell yet cause the symptoms of getting a period will also made my womb getting bigger.

so the next week i went to another clinic to scan the baby and now we managed to see our little angel, i'm already 8 weeks that time. only God knows how wonderful the feeling was. not to mention we still in shocked and couldn't believe that we're going to have a baby and really start a new family.

from that moment i can't wait to know her gender, to feel her kicking, and everything. well, as other mommies have felt the morning sickness i do too. it wasnt good but i try to tell myself to stay positive about it even if it's hard. i got this feeling of nausea over rice, asam pedas, seafood even i do love asam pedas so much i just cant tolerate it anymore. so i don't know what to do, i cant fill my stomach and there i got gastrix. doctor gave antacid only cause pregnant mother cant simply took any medicine. cuba juga makan asam untuk hilangkan loya, tomyam, and fresh oren then my gastrix got worse until i was going to get admitted in ward just because my keytone's getting high. tapi aku berkeras tak nak stay 2 hari tu. husband would like me to stay but i still dont want to, so husband cakap doctor that he will bring me back another 2 days untuk tengok thp keytone dan air dlm badan sebab aku terlalu kering. pregnant lady have to drinks lotsa water. luckily 2 days after that i'm doing good. right after that i know i can only tolerate meggie cup. at least that's the only makanan yang aku boleh telan. asam aku gantikan dengan gula berangin, it ku tak akan kena gastrix dgn elak makan makanan masam tu. oh ya, honeystar memang selalu ada dkt dgn aku sbgai kudapan sb aku kerap lapar. muntah2 still ada biasanya malam tapi kadang2 ade juga pagi tu muntah2.

ade org tak boleh bau husband la tak boleh tengok muka husband la but as for me it's diffrent sebab aku suka sgt tgk muka husband maybe kata orang sebab anak dlm kandungan tu perempuan so dia akan tertarik pada lelaki dan kalau anak dalam kandungan tu lelaki dia lbh cenderung untuk suka tengok perempuan dan kebiasaannya ibu yg ngandung anak lelaki tu suka tgk muka sendiri di depan cermin. ini aku terrbaca je tak tahu betul x.

every month i went to scan the baby. morning sickness cuma berakhir pada 11-12 weeks of my pregnancy. around that time aku dah berada di europe untuk honeymoon kami yang kedua.balik dari travel i went for a check up to check whether baby's doing great. ternyata aku agak byk bergerak n jln so baby punya position di atas uri, low lying but the doctor said it's only 16 weeks nothing to worry cause baby will accordingly change the position over aku rehat secukupnya, minum susu enfamama coklat banyak2, jaga pemakanan,kurangkan buat kerja berat dan berjalan dan paling penting berdoa banyak2.

Alhamdulillah the next weeknya i went for another check up sb nk scan baby's gender da kata dah tak low lying and baby is a girl. betul kata orang tua2 naluri ibu tu yang sebenarnya paling tepat.during this time aku dah rasa zara's kickings siap ada rakam video lagi.too excited no words can describe.

setiap bulan berlalu mcm biasa until in Ramadhan aku akan balik semenanjung untuk bersalin di melaka. kena mintak surat doctor since baby is already 29th weeks. naik air asia xsilap 27-31 weeks kena ade surat kebenaran doctor and kena isi borang dr air asia mase nk fly tu nanti. so we did it all and managed to fly to melaka with the accompany of my parents sebab husband keje tak boleh nak ikut arrived melaka buat check up di klinik gov melaka je la.

masa mengandungkan zara aku memang kuat makan. in 35, 36th week ramai orang ckp perut da nampak ke bawah sgt n ada yg ckp nmpk mcm lelaki sb perut kedepan.maybe deorang xnmpk aku sbnrnya mengembang kot tepi sb aku ni kecik je.da nk bersalin pun berat baru 52kg shj.aku suka sangat makan kari masa mengandung ni.nasib baik juga tak de mengidam benda-benda pelik. ade pun aku nak kek batik sarawak, sagun, dan gula tarik. gula tarik je xdpt tp Alhamdulillah zara xngences pun. hehe.

ini lah pengalaman mengandungkan zara untuk ingatan aku sama.

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